
Change of plans...Happy Lent!

Happy Ash Wednesday everyone. Remember your baptism and remember you are but dust...and also that God is making all things new...

I had one more article on liturgy and worship I wanted to get out before Ash Wednesday. But it's not going to happen. It was too much to get my head around in the amount of time I had left. And I don't want to put up a half-baked article on something all-encompassing as an article that attempts to give resources and ideas on practicing the liturgy.

And so...the article I had planned will not get put up until after Lent.

I've decided to really pull back this year during the Lenten season. I'm pausing my Facebook account (they call it deactivating! but that sounds extreme) and I won't be blogging or podcasting either. I will be writing and interviewing behind the scenes as I have time to do so but nothing will be put up on PostConsumer Reports. I will be doing lots of reading during Lent and preparing for an ordination exam, where, if I pass, I could become an Anglican deacon (or a deacon in the Anglican church) some time this summer.

So, if you are looking for more liturgy blog articles...I would actually encourage you to simply go to church. Worship, pray, read Scripture, be in community. Draw back during Lent. Devote time to building relationships. Pour into others, serving them physically and spiritually. Draw close to God and turn away from sin.

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